The Brains Education Report (BER) is the flagship online publication from Brains Global. It is the most pertinent and relevant reading material for ministries of education, inter-governmental organisations, university & school leaders, civil society together with education and ICT industry leaders. In a changing world of unprecedented times, BER is aimed at providing the most current information from industry and government to enact policies and deliver content and technologies for online education and e-learning.
BER is published exclusively online, utilising interactive digital publishing technology to allow the reader to delve deeper into the authors and contributors, to contact industry partners and have a built-in reader response mechanism.
The Brains Education Report is an indispensable guide specifically designed to reach key decision makers in the education and technology sectors:
Learn of the latest technologies and innovations in electronic learning
Guidance on policy frameworks for implementing online education during prolonged school closures
A comprehensive guide to industry solution providers offering services to ministries of education
In a world with no playbook, offering insights from teachers and policy makers working on the frontline to cope with school closures
Steve Miller, Job description
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